inplant training in chennai
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Dotnet Inplant Training

KaaShiv Infotech offers, Dotnet Inplant Training . Inplant Training provides you an in-depth knowledge on dotnet Programming.  This training enables the students to understand and learn the current trend in the job market. Students will  prefer trainings to  build their profile for their jobs and also for their higher studies. Our company provides both offline and online dotnet inplant training . dotnet inplant Training chennai – imparts technical & programming skills below list of areas,

  1. Dot Net-Introduction –  Basic Programming, if condition, for loop, while, switch conditions, etc.
  2. C# Operators and Functions –  Conditional, Increment/Decrement, Relational Operator, Functions, Return Statement
  3. C# OOPs Programming  – Classes and Object, Validation, Login,
  4. C# – Datatypes and Arrays  – Datatype, Strings, Loop, Array, Stack, Queue
  5. C# – Advanced OOPs  – Inheritance, Polymorphism, Sorting, Exception
  6. Application / Project Development  – Libraries Makeup, Integration Testing, Deployment Training
  7. Dot Net Project – Dot Net programming Designing & Development of Project

Highlights of our company

  • Common Wealth Bank Recognized Leading Light Rising Star Winner
  • Run by 10 Years Microsoft Awarded MVP ( Most Valuable Professional )
  • Google Recognized Experts and Cisco Recognized Certified Experts
  • Microsoft Certified Professionals
  • Cisco Recognized Certified Experts
  • Artificial Intelligence  and Robotics Experts
  • Asia Book of Record Holder – On Software Application Development
  • INETA Champion Gold Member.
  • Microsoft MSP-MVP Mentor (2015).
  • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (2010-14)
  • HCL Technologies Awarded SME ( Subject Matter Expert )
Dotnet Course

Why our company provides, dotnet inplant training in chennai

The Course curriculum for, Dotnet Inplant Training – is carefully researched and prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the current IT industries. After completing Internship in Chennai at KaaShiv Infotech, students will be familiar with the entire dotnet concepts, Implementing – dotnet Projects . Below are some of the insights of our  programme, DotNet Course In Inplant Training ,

Gain a new perspective on your student life
Discover New And Hidden Talent
Real-time project development and Technology Training
Bolstering your CV
100% Practical Technology training
Earn academic credit & fulfil academic goals
Real Life Experience and Exposure
After completion, Internship report will be provided.
Guidance in creating R & D projects

Trainers to train you

Kaashiv InfoTech Trainers are real-time IT experts and professionals worked in dotnet programming from leading MNCs like

  • TCS,
  • HCL,
  • Infosys,
  • Cognizant,
  • Wipro
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Inplant Training in Dotnet

NET Framework – .NET platform also known as the .NET Framework enables innovation in enterprise application development and deployment. It includes wide variety of pre-build components, which allows developers to create robust and powerful applications to address the enterprise requirements. The Visual Studio .NET IDE used for rapid application development enables quick development, trouble-free deployment, installation, maintenance, and security.

C# . NET – This training introduces you to object-oriented procedure using C#, as the programming language. It introduces the application of object-oriented concepts, such as abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance, using C#. In addition, this training introduces implementation of several programming concepts, such as threads, file handling, delegates, attributes, and reflection, used in C#

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Career Opportunity for , Dotnet Inplant Training

Below are some of the, .Net Developer jobs in India

  • Dotnet Developer
  • Dotnet Mvc Developer
  • Full Stack .NET Developer
  • ASP .NET Developer
  • C# .Net Developer/Sr.Developer
  • Junior Dot Net Developer

KaaShiv Infotech Inplant Training for Dotnet students enhances and enable the students for the above said skills / job roles from basics to Advanced.

Dotnet Inplant Training, provides a practical exposure for the students on the latest and trending technologies companies.

What is .Net ? - Basic Introduction to Dotnet


Dotnet Training in Chennai

Types of Inplant Training to the Students

Learn and Implement
45 Concepts Covering 7 Technologies
+ 1 Projects

Short Term Inplant Training
- Dotnet Inplant Training

  • Dotnet Inplant Training – Duration: 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 5days/ 10days or Based on Student Preference
  • Training hours: 3 hrs per day
  • Software & other tools installation Guidance
  • Hardware support
  • Dotnet Inplant Training Report creation / Dotnet Inplant Training projectsReport creation
  • KaaShiv Infotech is top under, dot net training in chennai ,  1 Real time projects – After 6 months of regular Paid Training, Training becomes free + For best interns Stipend will be provided + Best Interns will be offered Job too.
  • Inplant Training Certificate &  Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers)
Dotnet Internship in Chennai – Syllabus

100% Practical – Live HandsOn – Dotnet VB.Net

Topic 1 : .Net Framework – Introduction
What is .net Framework, CLR, CLS & CTS, Compilation process in .NET, Assemblies & Versioning
Topic 2 : C# – Introduction
C# Versions, C# Data Types, Variables in C#, Namespaces in C#, C# Compilers, C# Keywords,Iterators in C#, Objects in C# ,C# Object Dispose, C# object to XML, C# check object type, C# Object Serialization, C# Object Equals, C# object sender, C# object initializer, C# object to dictionary, Pointers in C#, C# Literals, C# Commands, C# Custom Attribute,Type Casting in C#, String vs String C#, C# Struct vs Class
Topic 3 : Operators in C# 
Logical Operators in C# , Conditional Operators in C#, Bitwise Operators in C#, C# OR Operator, C# Ternary Operators, Operator Precedence in C#
Topic 4 : Control Statement in .Net
C# if Statement, Else If in C#, Continue in C#, Break in C#, Switch Statement in C#, Goto Statement in C#
Topic 5 : C# Loops  
C# For Loop, C# While Loop, C# do-while loop, C# foreach Loop
Topic 6 : Arrays in .Net
Arrays in C#, 2D Arrays in C#, C# Jagged Arrays, String Array in C#, C# Multidimensional Arrays
Topic 7 : C# Programs 
Patterns in C#, Swapping in C#, Palindrome in C#, Factorial in C#, Fibonacci Series in C#, Random Number Generator in C#, Prime Numbers in C#, Armstrong Number in C#, Reverse String in C#

+ Dotnet Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 1 Dotnet Project

Learn and Implement
70 to 400 Concepts Covering 9 Technologies
+ 2 Projects

Long Term Inplant Training
- Dotnet Inplant Training

  • Dotnet Inplant Training – Duration: 6 days to 6 Months or Based on Student Preference 
  • Training hours: 3 hrs per day
  • Software & other tools installation Guidance
  • Hardware support
  • Dotnet Inplant Training Report creation / Dotnet Inplant Training Project Report creation
  • KaaShiv Infotech is top under,  dot net internship training in chennai ,  based 2 real time projects.
  • Certificates will  be given
    • Inplant Training Certificate  
    • Industrial exposure certificate
    • + (Experience Letter for best performers and Researchers)
    • free dot net training in chennai / free dotnet inplant training in chennai – After 6 months of regular Paid Training , Training becomes free + For best interns Stipend will be provided + Best Interns will be offered Job too.

ASP.Net Internship Training

100% Practical – Live HandsOn  – dotnet training in chennai

Topic 1 : .Net Framework – Introduction
What is .net Framework, CLR, CLS & CTS, Compilation process in .NET, Assemblies & Versioning
Topic 2 : C# – Introduction
C# Versions, C# Data Types, Variables in C#, Namespaces in C#, C# Compilers, C# Keywords,Iterators in C#, Objects in C# ,C# Object Dispose, C# object to XML, C# check object type, C# Object Serialization, C# Object Equals, C# object sender, C# object initializer, C# object to dictionary, Pointers in C#, C# Literals, C# Commands, C# Custom Attribute,Type Casting in C#, String vs String C#, C# Struct vs Class
Topic 3 : Operators in C# 
Logical Operators in C# , Conditional Operators in C#, Bitwise Operators in C#, C# OR Operator, C# Ternary Operators, Operator Precedence in C#
Topic 4 : Control Statement in .Net
C# if Statement, Else If in C#, Continue in C#, Break in C#, Switch Statement in C#, Goto Statement in C#
Topic 5 : C# Loops  
C# For Loop, C# While Loop, C# do-while loop, C# foreach Loop
Topic 6 : Arrays in .Net
Arrays in C#, 2D Arrays in C#, C# Jagged Arrays, String Array in C#, C# Multidimensional Arrays
Topic 7 : C# Programs 
Patterns in C#, Swapping in C#, Palindrome in C#, Factorial in C#, Fibonacci Series in C#, Random Number Generator in C#, Prime Numbers in C#, Armstrong Number in C#, Reverse String in C#
Topic 8 : C# Constructor and Destructor
Constructor in C#, Copy Constructor in C#, Static Constructor in C#, Destructor in C#
Topic 9 : C# Overloading and Overrideing
Overloading and Overriding in C#, Overloading in C#, Overriding in C#, Method Overloading in C#, Method Overriding in C#, Operator Overloading in C#
Topic 10 : C# Functions
C# Functions, C# String Functions, Math Functions in C#, Recursive Function in C#, C# Anonymous Functions, C# Local Functions, Enum in C#, Trim() in C#, clone() in C#, C# random, C# String Format(),
C# StartsWith(), C# String IndexOf(), DateTime in C#, C# Nullable, C# nameof, C# Buffer, C# checked,
C# String PadLeft,Convert String to Double in C#, Convert int to String C#, String to Date C#, C# intern() , C# Contains(), C# Stopwatch, C# DirectoryInfo, C# User Control, C# Compare() , C# Base, C# SOAP, Lock in C#
Topic 11 : .net framework Advanced
Inheritance in C#, Exception Handling in C#, Types of Exception in C#, C# FileNotFoundException ,C# NullReferenceException, C# OutOfMemoryException, C# StackOverflowException, Custom Exception in C#, What is Multithreading in C#?, C# finally, C# System.IO, What is StringBuilder in C# ,DataReader C#, BinaryWriter in C#, C# BinaryReader, TextWriter in C#, TextReader in C# , C# StringReader, C# StringWriter, C# StreamReader, C# StreamWriter, C# FileInfo, File Handling in C#, What is Design Pattern in C#?, Multithreading in C#, Sorting in C#, Bubble Sort in C#, C# SortedList, C# SortedSet, C# SortedDictionary, Abstract Class in C#, Access Modifiers in C#, C# Generics, Deserialization in C#, C# Thread, C# Thread Join, C# Thread Sleep, C# Thread Synchronization, C# Class, Sealed in C#, Sealed Class in C#, Polymorphism in C#, C# References, C# Call By Reference, Virtual Keyword in C# , Yield Keyword in C#, Regular Expression in C#, C# Lambda Expression, C# Predicate, Convert Object to JSON C#
Topic 12 : C# Windows Application
Checkbox in C# . C# MessageBox, Collections in C#, List in C#, C# LinkedList, Listbox in C#, Protected in C#, C# EventHandler, Private in C#, this Keyword in C#, Static Keyword in C#, C# Out Parameter, Assert in C#, C# Delegates, C# Interface, Generics in C#, Timer in C#, C# Serialization, Metadata in C#, C# Stack, C# Using Static, Queue in C#, C# File.Exists, C# Tuples, C# Create JSON Object, Partial in C#, C# readonly, C# Action Delegate, C# Await Async, C# Asynchronous, C# Dictionary, IEnumerable C#, C# Data Grid View, Static Class in C#, C# Dynamic, Web Services in C#, C# Pattern Matching, C# Extension Methods
C# XmlSerializer
Topic 13 : ADO.NET (Working with Database) 
Overview of ADO.NET, Connected vs Disconnected Architecture, Data Connection Object, Data Command Object, Data Adapter Object, Data Readers, Data Sets & Data Adapters, Structure of Dataset, Execute Non Query, Execute Reader, Execute Scalar
Topic 14 : ASP.NET Programming
Introduction to Web Programming, Client / Server Technology, Understanding Web Server IIS, Page Life Cycle, Global.asax, Web.config, Intrinsic Objects in ASP.Net, Web Form, Web Control Class, Creating Web Forms Application, Handling Images, Navigating between Pages, Managing Server Controls, Server Control Events, Using HTML Controls, Using Data Controls, Repeater Control
Topic 15 : Validation Controls in
ASP.Net validation controls, Configuring validation controls, State Management, Preserving State in Web Applications, Using Cookies to Preserve State, ASP.NET Session State, Application State

+ Dotnet Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 2 Dotnet Projects

Dotnet training in chennai
How to get , dot net inplant training in chennai ?

Apply for Inplant Training - Contact Us

Thanks for choosing our 100% Practical interactive, dot net internship in chennai . As an Intern, you will get high end technological knowledge for sure. Welcome to KaaShiv Infotech, best training company to provide, dotnet online inplant training program . Opening for Dotnet intern for the year , dotnet inplant training 2021 , dotnet inplant training 2022 , dotnet inplant training 2023 is available to apply

Contact Number / Whatsapp Number

Mobile 1 : 7667662428
Mobile 2 : 7667664842
Mobile 3 : 9840678906
apply for internship

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1. Report for the inplant training will be provided after the completion of the programme.

2. Regular tech updates to the students.

3. Free inplant training Projects given


1. Industry Recognized, certificate for inplant training will be given.

2. Certificates will be given ( Inplant Training Certificate & Industrial exposure certificate ) + (Achievement certificate for best performers)


2 day / 3/ 4 / 5 / 10, 20 days or 1 month to 6 Months ( Any Number of Days – Based on student preferences)

dotnet internship

online dotnet inplant training

Dotnet Inplant Training for freshers / Dotnet Inplant Training for Students

  • This inplant training can be done by the freshers to build their career. This programme will provide a clear baseline for entry level engineers to  enter into the IT industry.
  • Before entering into the companies, doing an inplant training will give you more clarity in the programming field.
  • Dotnet inplant training for students – Kaashiv Infotech recommends all department students, fresher and even school students to take up this training and build their career.

Summer Dotnet Inplant Training

  • This programme becomes mandatory before completing their degree for computer science-based students Due to its huge involvement and implementation flexibility in many fields.
  • The reason for doing dotnet inplant training is, real-time industrial exposure is preferred by most of the companies in India. Identifying real-time training with a recognized certificate is very important. After completing the training will acquire practical knowledge, analytical skills, programming skills and problem-solving skills.


Winter Dotnet Inplant Training

  • This inplant training can be done by diploma studying students, engineering students or freshers, and art college students too.
  • Students can prefer trainings in the winter holidays too. Doing meaningful learning in the holidays is the best and first step towards the vision of success. The reason is, your career is getting enhanced and Practical knowledge with programming skills carves the dotnet interns towards cutting edge technologies.
  • We are inviting highly excited students, who are interested in the winter research & development program. The selected students will have the chance to work with Kaashiv Research & Development team. In this training, the students will also have the chance to join in the workshops, events, live projects of the main industrial research organization in the world and network with other students in different fields from another field. This dotnet Winter Training makes your career in IT Security.

Virtual Dotnet Inplant Training

  • Dotnet Inplant Training provides practical exposure for the students on the latest and trending technologies. Some Top jobs in the IT Industry are
    • Dotnet Developer
    • C# Developer
    • ASP.Net Developer
  • Our, .Net training online – provides in-depth knowledge on basics to advanced and satisfies the students who are looking for ” Dotnet inplant training near me ”
    • Training will be provided for the students after the Course program.
    • Technological guidance and materials will be shared throughout the entire year for the students to mold technically.
  • After completing this training, you will be able to:
    • Define Dotnet and describe its essential characteristics, history, & emerging trends
    • Clear the business case for Dotnet
    • Describe the Modern Application Development with .NET
    • Clarify the various components of a .Net architecture
  • Outcome of this , Dotnet Inplant Training is :
    • Student will be specialized in Dotnet Web & Windows Application
    •  Students will be getting trained in / writing 10  Programs – Will change based on the duration of the program.
    •  1 Project and project report will be given at the end of the program.

More Question on, Dotnet Inplant Training

What are some good places to learn .Net Inplant training in Chennai ?

  • Kaashiv Infotech is the best place to learn Dotnet inplant training where the trainings are provided with real time example.
  • The Dotnet inplant training in Chennai Syllabus is designed according to the student needs of the corporate client which will definitely help you to clear the interviews easily.

Which company is best for Dotnet training in Chennai ?

  • Dotnet is a popular high-level programming language. It is an accurate fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-deploy programming language that is being used to develop scalable web applications.
  • Kaashiv Infotech is one of the best companies for Dotnet training in Chennai. It is a great option for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Who can apply for this Dotnet Inplant training ?

  • Students belonging to 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year Computer science Engineering or Information Technology Engineering & Electronics, Instrumentation, Electronics and Telecommunications and Biomedical engineering can apply for this dotnet course .

Is Dotnet a good career ?

  • Even though a job in dotnet developer can be highly satisfying, it can also be very interesting and stressful. Understanding some of the job responsibilities, as well as the features and nature traits of these jobs, may help you decide if a career in dotnet is right for you.

Can I get an online inplant training in Dotnet ?

  • The Answer is, Yes . Dotnet training involves .Net Framework, C# loops & Operators, C# Programs & Application Development and Dot net projects..etc.,

Which startups provide the best Dotnet inplant training in india ? What are the duration of these inplant training ? Also, are these inplant training free or stipend based ?

The Answer is, Kaashiv Infotech offers inplant training.  This inplant training involves, practical  knowledge and real time experience . Inplant Training duration can be from 1 day to any number of days like 6 months. Usually students will prefer 5 days to 6 months of inplant training .

Is doing inplant training in Dotnet worth it? Can it add some advantage to my resume for campus placement ?

The Answer is, Yes . Inplant Training in Dotnet provides lot of technological and programming knowledge to the students and enable them to become professional experts

How to get Dotnet inplant Training ?

Dotnet Interview Questions and Answers

What is the .NET framework ?

  • The .NET framework supports an object-oriented approach that is used for building applications on windows. It supports various languages like C#, VB, Cobol, Perl, .NET, etc. It has a wide variety of tools and functionalities like class, library and APIs that are used to build, deploy and run web services and different applications.

What are the different components of .NET ?

  • Following are the components of .NET;
    • Common Language run-time
    • Application Domain
    • Common Type System
    • .NET Class Library
    • .NET Framework
    • Profiling

What do you know about CTS ?

  • CTS stands for Common Type System. It follows certain rules according to which a data type should be declared and used in the program code.
  • CTS also describes the data types that are going to be used in the application. We can even make our own classes and functions following the rules in the CTS, it helps in calling the data type declared in one program language by other programming languages.

What is CLR ?

  • CLR stands for common language run-time, it is an important component of the .NET framework.
  • We can use CLR as a building block of various applications and provides a secure execution environment for applications.
  • Whenever an application written in C# is compiled, the code is converted into an intermediate language.
  • After this, the code is targeted to CLR which then performs several operations like memory management, security checks, loading assemblies, and thread management.

Explain CLS ?

  • Common language specification helps the developers to use the components that are inter-language compatible with certain rules that come with CLS.
  • It then helps in reusing the code in other .NET compatible languages.

What do you know about JIT ?

  • JIT is a compiler which stands for Just In Time.
  • It is used to convert the intermediate code into the native language. During the execution, the intermediate code is converted into the native language.

Why do we use Response.Output.Write() ?

  • Response.Output.Write() is used to get the formatted output.

What is BCL ?

  • BCL is a base class library of classes, interfaces and value types
  • It is the foundation of .NET framework applications, components, and controls
  • Encapsulates a huge number of common functions and make them easily available for the developers
  • It provides functionality like threading, input/output, security, diagnostics, resources, globalization, etc.
  • Also serves the purpose of interaction between user and runtime
  • It also provides namespaces that are used very frequently. for eg: system, system.Activities, etc.

What is the difference between namespace and assembly ?

  • An assembly is a physical grouping of logical units whereas namespace groups classes. Also, a namespace can span multiple assemblies as well.

What are the different types of constructors in c# ? 

  • Following are the types of constructors in C#:
    • Default Constructor
    • Parameterized constructor
    • Copy Constructor
    • Static Constructor
    • Private Constructor

What are the different types of assemblies ? 

  • There are two types of assemblies:
    • Private Assembly: It is accessible only to the application, it is installed in the installation directory of the application.
    • Shared Assembly: It can be shared by multiple applications, it is installed in the GAC.

What are MDI and SDI ?

  • MDI( Multiple Document Interface): An MDI lets you open multiple windows, it will have one parent window and as many child windows. The components are shared from the parent window like menubar, toolbar, etc.
  • SDI( Single Document Interface): It opens each document in a separate window. Each window has its own components like menubar, toolbar, etc. Therefore it is not constrained to the parent window.

Welcome to KaaShiv InfoTech

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