Cyber Security Internship

India’s No:1

Cyber Security Internship In Chennai

KaaShiv Infotech offers, cyber security internship . Internship provides you an in-depth knowledge of Cyber Security. This internship enables the students to understand and learn the current trend in the job market. Students will prefer internships to build their profile for their jobs and also for their higher studies. Our company provides both offline and online cyber security internship. internship on cyber security imparts technical and programming skills on the below list of hacking areas such as,

  • Network Hacking
  • Command Shell Hacking
  • System Hacking
  • File Server Hacking
  • Web Server Hacking
  • Website Hacking
  • Mobile Hacking
  • Penetration Testing
  • Social Network Hacking
  • Email Hacking
  • Wifi Hacking


Certificates and Documents we offer for this Training

  • Internship Certificate.
  • Project Completion Certificate.
  • Inplant Training(IPT) Certificate.
  • Free Workshop Certificate.
  • Free Corporate Training Test certificate.
  • Training Documents.
  • Sample Resume for Placement.
  • Useful Softwares.
  • Internship Report.
  • Our AI Training Portal Access.

Why Internship is Important?


001 one

Learn by Doing

Put your skills to work on real projects, not just practice problems.

002 two

Find Your Passion

Try different areas of cyber security internship in chennai to see what clicks

003 three

Level Up Your Skills

Gain practical experience that will impress future employers

004 four

Boost Your Resume

Show employers you're serious and have what it takes


Why to choose KaaShiv Infotech for
cyber security internship

The Course curriculum for, Internships on Cyber Security is carefully researched and prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the current IT industries. After completing Internship in Chennai at KaaShiv Infotech, students will be familiar with the entire ethical hacking, cyber security, Implementing a hacking project. Below are some of the insights of our  programme, internship for cyber security students ,

Real-time project development and Technology Training by Microsoft Awarded Most Valuable Professional
Hardware and software tools full support with 100% Practical Technology training
Placement training with Industrial Exposure
After completion, Internship report will be provided.
internship for cse students
internship days

cyber security internship in chennai

Short Term Internship ( cyber security internship in chennai )

Learn and Implement
45 Concepts Covering 7 Technologies
+ 2 Projects

Short Term - cyber security internship in chennai

  • Cyber Security Internships – Duration: 1 day, 2 days, days, 5days/ 10days or Based on Student Preference
  • Training hours: hrs per day
  • Software & other tools installation Guidance
  • Hardware support
  • Cyber Security Internship Report Creation / Cyber security internship projects
  • KaaShiv Infotech is top under , best internships for cyber security ,  1 Real time projects – After 6 months of regular Paid Internship, Internship becomes free + For best interns Stipend will be provided + Best Interns will be offered Job too.
  • Internship Certificate & Inplant Training Certificate &  Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers)
cyber security internship in chennai – Syllabus

100% Practical – Live HandsOn – cyber security internship syllabus

Topic 1 : Ethical Hacking Basics

( Introduction Hacking , Job Openings, Mega Breach History , Hacking Terminologies , Elements of Information Security, Motives of Information Security, Information Security Threats Categories , Hacker Classes , Website Info Extraction , Penetration Testing , Bot Website , Website Directory Extraction , SQL injection , Hacking Social Data )


Topic 2 : Network Hacking

( What is Networking? , Network Scanning Basics , How Network Scanning Works ? , Types of SCANNING , THREE WAY HANDSHAKE , ICMP SCANNING , PING SWEEP SCANNING , TCP Communication FLAGS , Full Open Scan , Stealth Scan – Half-Open Scan , UDP Scan , Check Live System , What is Port Scanning , Lists of Ports , Check Open Ports , Network Mapping , Proxy Servers , Counter Measures )


Topic 3 : Command Shell Hacking

( What is Operating System , Famous Operating System , Shell Programming, Basic Requirements for Shell , Fetch Computer Hardware, Fetch Computer Total Memory , Fetch Computer RAM Memory, Fetch Hard Disk Details , Command to get system information , Utility to get System Information , Bypass Windows Default execution & increase , Process priority , Installing Packages Using PowerShell , Powerful Copy Command , Fetch RAM Memory Details , Fetch RAM Memory HW Details , Fetch Driver Details , Free Format of Folder Listing , Get list of Tasks Running in Computer , Get list of Services Running in Computer , Delete Files using PowerShell , Delete Folders using PowerShell , Find User Last Login Details , Restart Computer using PowerShell )


Topic 4 : System Hacking

( How to find IP Address of a Computer , How to find IP Address of a Website Calculate How much data transferred in a network , How to find the path of accessing the website , Find IPV4 and IPV6 details of the Website Server ? , Find Wifi Status , Find Wifi Security Info Find Wifi Password , Get the MAC Address from IP Address , Flush the Network Connection ,Tool to find the Website Owner Details , Tool to Check Website is Alive or not , Tool to Check Computer Information’s heart beat , Tool to Check Processes individually , Check for Windows For errors ,Making Password Never Expires , Find the Security ID of the User , Access Control Panel as a Specific User , Tool to Fetch Complete PC Information , Find the Security ID of the User , Access task Manager information from Tools , Tool to find Users Logged in to the System , Hack Administrator Account , Hack Windows Bypassing using USB , Hack Windows By confusing , Virus Check Software , Memory Hijack Software , USB injection Software Driver Check Software , Browser Clean Software , What is Volume Licensed MS products , Ccleaner – memory cleanup , Malware Threats , Viruses Hacking , Resident Virus , Direct Action , Boot Sector , Multi Partite , Polymorphic , Overwrite , Space Filler Virus , System Hacking Types , Viral Scripting , Hardware Hacking )


Topic 5 : File Server Hacking 

( Anatomy of a FTP Server , How File Transfer Protocol ? , How to move Files to Live Server , Use Specified Authentication to load the Files into Live Server , Check for the port to move data , Using Anonymous Authentication is not secure, Open FTP with Server Name , Anatomy of a FTP IP Address , Open FTP with IP Address , Secure FTP server from Hacking , HTAccess or Any config files , Mobile Memory Access Via FTP Concept )


+ Cyber Security Internship Certificate

+ Cyber Security Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 1 Cyber Security Project

cyber security internship
near me


Learn and Implement
70 to 400 Concepts Covering 9 Technologies
+ 3 to 4 Projects

Long Term - cyber seccurity internship

  • Cyber Security Internships – Duration: days to 6 Months or Based on Student Preference
  • Training hours: hrs per day
  • Software & other tools installation Guidance
  • Hardware support
  • Cyber Security Internship Report creation / Cyber Security Project Report creation
  • KaaShiv Infotech is top under,  internship in cyber security ,  based 2 real time projects.
  • 3 Certificates will  be given
    • Internship Certificate
    • Inplant Training Certificate  
    • Industrial exposure certificate
    • + (Experience Letter for best performers and Researchers)
    • Free cyber security internship / Cyber Security internship free – After 6 months of regular Paid Internship, Internship becomes free + For best interns Stipend will be provided + Best Interns will be offered Job too.

cyber security internship

100% Practical – Live HandsOn  –
cyber security syllabus

Topic 1 : Ethical Hacking Basics
( Introduction Hacking , Job Openings, Mega Breach History , Hacking Terminologies , Elements of Information Security, Motives of Information Security, Information Security Threats Categories , Hacker Classes , Website Info Extraction , Penetration Testing , Bot Website , Website Directory Extraction , SQL injection , Hacking Social Data )
Topic 2 :

Network Hacking
( What is Networking? , Network Scanning Basics , How Network Scanning Works ? , Types of SCANNING , THREE WAY HANDSHAKE , ICMP SCANNING , PING SWEEP SCANNING , TCP Communication FLAGS , Full Open Scan , Stealth Scan – Half-Open Scan , UDP Scan , Check Live System , What is Port Scanning , Lists of Ports , Check Open Ports , Network Mapping , Proxy Servers , Counter Measures )


Topic 3 :

Command Shell Hacking
( What is Operating System , Famous Operating System , Shell Programming, Basic Requirements for Shell , Fetch Computer Hardware, Fetch Computer Total Memory , Fetch Computer RAM Memory, Fetch Hard Disk Details , Command to get system information , Utility to get System Information , Bypass Windows Default execution & increase , Process priority , Installing Packages Using PowerShell , Powerful Copy Command , Fetch RAM Memory Details , Fetch RAM Memory HW Details , Fetch Driver Details , Free Format of Folder Listing , Get list of Tasks Running in Computer , Get list of Services Running in Computer , Delete Files using PowerShell , Delete Folders using PowerShell , Find User Last Login Details , Restart Computer using PowerShell )


Topic 4 :

System Hacking
( How to find IP Address of a Computer , How to find IP Address of a Website
Calculate How much data transferred in a network , How to find the path of accessing the website , Find IPV4 and IPV6 details of the Website Server ? , Find Wifi Status , Find Wifi Security Info Find Wifi Password , Get the MAC Address from IP Address , Flush the Network Connection ,Tool to find the Website Owner Details , Tool to Check Website is Alive or not , Tool to Check Computer Information’s heart beat , Tool to Check Processes individually , Check for Windows For errors ,Making Password Never Expires , Find the Security ID of the User , Access Control Panel as a Specific User , Tool to Fetch Complete PC Information , Find the Security ID of the User , Access task Manager information from Tools , Tool to find Users Logged in to the System , Hack Administrator Account , Hack Windows Bypassing using USB , Hack Windows By confusing , Virus Check Software , Memory Hijack Software , USB injection Software Driver Check Software , Browser Clean Software , What is Volume Licensed MS products , Ccleaner – memory cleanup , Malware Threats , Viruses Hacking , Resident Virus , Direct Action , Boot Sector , Multi Partite , Polymorphic , Overwrite , Space Filler Virus , System Hacking Types , Viral Scripting , Hardware Hacking )


Topic 5 :

File Server Hacking
( Anatomy of a FTP Server , How File Transfer Protocol ? , How to move Files to Live Server , Use Specified Authentication to load the Files into Live Server , Check for the port to move data , Using Anonymous Authentication is not secure, Open FTP with Server Name , Anatomy of a FTP IP Address , Open FTP with IP Address , Secure FTP server from Hacking , HTAccess or Any config files , Mobile Memory Access Via FTP Concept )


Topic 6 : Web Server Hacking
( What is Root Name Server , How website works ? , How website works ? , How DNS Works , How Dig Tools Works , Server Info Extraction Tool – Part 1 , Server Info Extraction Tool – Part 2 – DNSKEY , Server Info Extraction Tool – Part 2 – DS Record , Anatomy of a Website , How Internet Works , How Website Works , NSLookup Networking Command , Diggint Tool , How to make a Server ? , Server into a Web Server ? , Web Server to World Wide Web Registered Server )
Topic 7 : Website Hacking
( Information Gathering – FootPrinting , DNS Enumeration , DNS Info Extraction , What is DNS , What is Reverse DNS , Chrome Extension , IP Information of the Website , SPF Record Details , Web Server Information , Website Owner Information , Termux ReconDog , Install Python&GIT , Port Scanning , Who is Lookup , Who is Lookup with software , Who is Lookup with websites , Port Scanning , Honey Pot Server , Reverse IP Lookup , Reverse IP Lookup with websites , Censys – Website Monitor tool , What is Web Session ? , What is Session Hijacking ? , Tor Browsers , Anonymizers , Type of Anonymizers , Anonymizers – Bypass Web Filters , Anonymizers – Bypass Internet Traffic , What is Phishing , Phishing Prevention , What is IP Spoofing , How IP Spoofing works ? , IP Spoofing Basics – How it works ? , IP Spoofing types , IP Spoofing Types – Non-Blind Spoofing , IP Spoofing Types – Blind Spoofing , IP Spoofing Types – Smurf Attack , IP Spoofing Types – MITM Attack , IP Spoofing with Software’s , IP Spoofing with Websites , What is MAC Spoofing , Remote Access VPN , How VPN protocol works ? , VPN Data Encryption , PC VPN Settings , Mobile VPN Settings , IP Spoofing with VPN , How to get Current Ip address ? , Secret mobile Settings for VPN configuration , VPN network configuration with new IP , What is VPN , What is Firewall – Technical Info , IP Spoofing Prevention Technique , Additional Features of Firewall , Firewall Types , Host Based Firewall , How Router works ? , Network Based Firewall , What is Cloaking in Hacking )
Topic 8 : Mobile Hacking
( Find mobile number details , Access Mobile Number information , Basic Phone Info Package , Install Termux , Access Memory using Termux , Hacking Mobile Task Manager , Networking Cmds in Termux , Ping Command in Termux , Botting Websites , What is an Internet Bot ? , What is a Website Bot ? , What is a BotNet ? , How Hackers attack Website – DOS Attack , How DDOS works , Charter – AntiBot Scanner , Microsoft Safety Scanner , Website Directory Extraction , What is Web Server , Vulnerability testing , Website Vulnerability Analysis )
Topic 9 : Penetration Testing
( MetaSploit – PenTest Tool , What is MetaSploit , MetaSploit History , MetaSploit Packages , MetaSploit Modules , MetaSploit Sub Modules , How MetaSploit works with Pen Testing , How Exploits works in Metasploit ? , Metasploit Architecture , Metasploit Library , Metasploit Codes , Metasploit Tools , Metasploit Command Basics , Modules in Metasploit , Create and Setup Exploit, Attack Target , Fetch the injected Virus Path , Make Directory to Control Target , Injecting Files in to the Target Machine , Idle time and IP Details of the Target , Keyboard Hacking/Password Attacks , Audio Recording , Hacking Screenshot of Target , Hacking Screen of the Target , Hack Camera Details in the Target , Hack Camera Take snap of the Target , Hack Camera Take Live Video of the Target , How to install Metasploit in Mobile , How to search Metasploit packages , Find open ports using Metasploit in target )
Topic 10 : Social Network Hacking
( find fb id , Find facebook friends using termux – Facebook Tricks )
Topic 11 : Email Hacking
( Email Spoofing , Mail Tracking with gmail , Send mail to find location )
Topic 12 : Wifi Hacking
( Wifi Introduction – Basic components of Wifi , How Wifi works , Wireless Devices, Get Basic Wifi Accounts Stored in the Computer , Get Wifi interfaces Stored in the Computer , Get Wifi Properties Stored in the Computer , How to Export Wifi Passwords , How to get Windows Wifi Password )
Topic 13 : Kali Linux – Hacking Operating System
( Introduction , FootPrinting Tools, Backdoor Attack Tools , Reconnaisance Tools , Sniffing Tools )
Topic 14 : Parrot OS – Hacking Operating System
( Anonymous Access – Be a Hacker , No one can hack you , Control your network usage , Control your computer Execution , Control anyone in the Network )

+ Cyber Security Internship Certificate

+ Cyber Security Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 2 Cyber Security Projects


Apply for cyber security internship in chennai

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5 DAYS – cyber security internship in chennai

DAY 1:  cyber security internship  in chennai
  •     Ethical Hacking Basics  
  •     Elements of Information Security                        
  •     Network Hacking
DAY 2: cyber security internship  in chennai
  •     Command Shell Hacking
  •     System Hacking
  •     File Server Hacking
DAY 3: cyber security internship  in chennai
  •     Malware Analysis  
  •     Cloud Security 
  •     Risk Analysis
DAY 4: cyber security internship  in chennai
  • Windows Testing
  • Kali Linux
  • Operating Commands

DAY 5: cyber security internship  in chennai
  •   Database Hacking
  •   Sql Injection
  •   Project Idea
  •   Project Work

Is cyber security hard?

No, cybersecurity is not hard, especially when approached step by step with a solid foundation. Kaashiv Infotech provides training and resources to help individuals master the field, making it easier to understand the key concepts and skills needed. With structured learning paths and hands-on practice, anyone can break down the complexities of cybersecurity and become proficient over time.
Ethical Hacking
  • Ethical hacking involves testing systems for vulnerabilities to help protect against malicious hackers. With Kaashiv Infotech’s structured courses, one can learn penetration testing techniques, understand tools like Kali Linux, and apply ethical hacking principles. Through practical exercises, individuals can simulate attacks on systems and networks to identify weaknesses before they are exploited by real hackers, improving overall security.
Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  • One of the most important aspects of cybersecurity is educating users to recognize threats such as phishing, malware, and social engineering. Kaashiv Infotech offers training programs designed to boost awareness and teach best practices for securing personal and organizational data. By understanding common attack methods and developing a security-conscious mindset, users can greatly reduce the risk of cyber threats. This proactive approach is essential in maintaining overall cyber health.

Is cyber security need coding?

  In cybersecurity, coding can be an advantage, but it is not always a necessity. Kaashiv Infotech provides training that focuses on both technical and non-technical aspects of cybersecurity. While coding skills can help in areas like penetration testing, automation, and tool development, many cybersecurity roles do not require deep coding knowledge. Basic understanding of scripting languages such as Python or Bash is often sufficient for most tasks.    
Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking)
  • Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, involves testing systems for vulnerabilities by simulating cyberattacks. While knowledge of programming languages like Python or JavaScript can help in writing custom exploits or scripts, the core of penetration testing lies in understanding how networks and applications function. With training from Kaashiv Infotech, individuals can learn to identify vulnerabilities using existing tools like Metasploit, Burp Suite, and Nessus. Coding is not mandatory, but it certainly enhances the ability to develop tailored solutions or automate tasks, making the penetration testing process more efficient.
Cybersecurity Incident Response
  • Incident response focuses on detecting, responding to, and recovering from cyberattacks. Although coding can assist in automating certain tasks, incident response is more about understanding threat intelligence, analyzing logs, and following a structured process. Kaashiv Infotech provides training on how to efficiently use forensic tools, analyze attack patterns, and coordinate recovery strategies. While a basic knowledge of scripting can help automate repetitive tasks like log analysis, the main goal is to manage and mitigate risks during an active security breach, and coding is not always a requirement for this role.

Is cyber security high paying?

Cybersecurity Analyst
  • A cybersecurity analyst is responsible for monitoring an organization’s networks for potential threats, analyzing security breaches, and implementing protective measures. With increasing cyberattacks globally, the demand for cybersecurity analysts has surged. Professionals in this role can expect competitive salaries, especially if they possess advanced certifications like CISSP or CompTIA Security+. Organizations are willing to offer higher pay for experienced analysts who can protect sensitive data and ensure system integrity, making this role lucrative in both corporate and government sectors.
Cloud Security Architect
  • Cloud security architects are responsible for designing and implementing secure cloud environments, ensuring data protection in cloud storage and computing systems. As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, the demand for cloud security professionals has risen, leading to high-paying job offers. These experts must possess in-depth knowledge of cloud platforms (like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud) and cybersecurity frameworks. The specialized nature of cloud security, coupled with the critical need for data protection in cloud infrastructures, makes cloud security architects some of the highest-paid professionals in the cybersecurity industry.

Is Python good for cyber security?

Yes, Python is an excellent programming language for cybersecurity due to its simplicity, versatility, and wide range of libraries that can be used for various security tasks. Python allows cybersecurity professionals to automate repetitive tasks, create security tools, and analyze data efficiently. It’s also widely used for penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and malware analysis, making it a valuable skill in the cybersecurity field.
Automating Security Tasks
  • Python is widely used in cybersecurity to automate tasks such as log analysis, scanning for vulnerabilities, and network monitoring. With libraries like Scapy (for packet crafting) and Paramiko (for SSH connections), professionals can automate complex workflows, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. Python’s simplicity allows even those with minimal programming experience to create scripts that can analyze large datasets or perform repetitive tasks like scanning for open ports, making it a powerful tool for cybersecurity experts to boost efficiency and effectiveness.
Penetration Testing and Exploit Development
  • Python is a popular language for penetration testing due to its ease of use and the vast number of libraries available. Tools like Metasploit use Python to develop exploits, while Requests and BeautifulSoup are used to interact with web applications and automate testing. Cybersecurity professionals can use Python to write custom scripts for testing the security of applications, finding vulnerabilities, and conducting ethical hacking tasks. Python’s flexibility and support for various frameworks make it ideal for creating tailored exploits or modifying existing ones, contributing to more effective penetration testing.

Is cybersecurity a stable career?

Yes, cybersecurity is considered a stable and rapidly growing career due to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks. As businesses, governments, and individuals face more cybersecurity threats, the demand for skilled professionals continues to rise. With organizations prioritizing data protection and compliance, cybersecurity professionals are essential to maintaining the integrity of systems and information. As a result, those in the cybersecurity field can expect long-term job security and ample opportunities for career advancement.
High Demand for Cybersecurity Professionals
  • The global rise in cyber threats, such as ransomware, phishing attacks, and data breaches, has led to an ongoing demand for cybersecurity experts. According to industry reports, the cybersecurity workforce gap continues to grow, and businesses are increasingly investing in securing their digital infrastructures. Whether in financial institutions, healthcare, or government agencies, cybersecurity professionals are essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining trust. This persistent demand means that cybersecurity offers a stable career with strong job security and competitive salaries, ensuring that professionals in this field will continue to be sought after.
Career Growth and Advancement Opportunities
  • Cybersecurity offers a wide range of roles, from entry-level positions like security analyst to specialized roles such as security architect or incident responder. This diversity allows professionals to find a career path that aligns with their interests and skills. Additionally, many cybersecurity roles provide room for growth into leadership positions, such as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). The field is also evolving, with emerging areas like cloud security, AI security, and privacy compliance, which further increases opportunities for career advancement. As technology continues to evolve, so do the career prospects within cybersecurity, ensuring long-term stability in this profession.

Cyber Security Internship FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: cyber security internship at KaaShiv Infotech

Which institute is best for cyber security?

  • Kaashiv Infotech is a leading institute for Cyber Security training in chennai, offering comprehensive courses and certifications.

What is the eligibility for cyber security?

  • Kaashiv Infotech’s Cyber Security courses are open to everyone: students, professionals, and enthusiasts, with no specific age, education or background requirements.

Is cyber security a good career?

  • Yes, Cyber Security is a highly in-demand and lucrative career with immense growth opportunities, offering Kaashiv Infotech students job-ready skills and placements in top companies.

Is a cyber security course difficult?

  • Kaashiv Infotech’s Cyber Security course is not challenging yet manageable, requiring dedication and basic computer knowledge, with experienced faculty guidance making it accessible for beginners and professionals alike.

Is cybersecurity an IT career?

  • Yes, Cybersecurity is a specialized field within the IT industry.

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