An internship is a chance obtainable by an employer to possible employees, called interns, to work at a company for a fixed period of time.

Internships are usually full-time if offered in the holiday periods and part-time if offered in a college semester. Summer internship usually eight weeks.

Professional doing internships in the company were key termed with the designation as, intern . Interns can be ,

  • college intern – internships for college students , college students will go for internships
  • job intern – Job seeker will prefer this internships
  • school intern – internships for high school students , involves School going students will go for internships
  • summer intern – Students will prefer, summer internships – in their summer holidays
  • winter intern – Students will prefer, winter internship – in their winter holidays

What is internships job ?

An internship may be a professional learning experience that gives meaningful, practical work associated with a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship gives a student the chance for career exploration and development, and to find out new skills.

Student Interns Expect:

  • To gain experience and skills in a specific field.
  • To develop specialized contacts.
  • To gain experience to upper management.
  • To receive an positioning to the company for which they are interning. This introduces the student to the company’s task and goals and offers them with information about company rules, guidelines and procedures.
  • To gain hands-on experience and provide meaningful support to the company.
  • To have a trainer who provides guidance, comment, receptiveness and models professionalism.

Benefits of Hiring an Intern / how internship helped me

  • Get access to highly interested students who can fill staffing needs
  • Complete finite projects
  • Develop a future employee
  • Prepare tomorrow’s workforce
  • Ease workload of regular workers
  • Enable staffs to focus on higher level tasks
  • Insert enthusiasm and fresh ideas into your organization
  • Provide hands-on learning opportunities to students
  • Take advantage of students’ tech and social media knowledge
  • Meet short-term employment needs
  • Complete “Priority C” tasks/projects
  • Utilize a cost-effective employ strategy

Why Do Companies Offer Internships?


Internships provide companies with economy labour, for what is normally office-based tasks, such as photocopying, filing, simple spreadsheet work or drafting reports. Many industries will bring on board interns for a number of weeks or months to support with the conclusion of a main project.

This can be great for students, because it can actually help you to grow and suggestion skills in project management, problem solving and client relationship management.


Companies frequently use internships as an real way of marketing their graduate schemes to students.

Reviews indicate that almost half of all ex-student managers hire at least 20% of their ex-interns for training systems.

Internship with salary in Chennai

  • Intern salaries depend on the organizations they come from and the experiences they have.

How internship helps in employability

  • An internship helps you develop a kind of the world of work and an awareness of your own skills and abilities. Getting a good degree is important but being able to validate to an employer that you have a large variety of skills will improve your service prospects.
  • Competition for jobs means that you need a way to stand out. As well as serving you learn skills, work experience can set you apart from other candidates when you start applying for jobs. Everyone’s skill is individual to them, so importance what is unique about your knowledge can help you stand out.

Where to add internship on resume

  • List your internships in the work experience section of your resume. Each internship must be located next to earlier jobs you’ve had or plans you’ve worked on. If you’re using a sequential resume, list each internship you’ve done in the order you did it, with the most new position at the top