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Features Of ReactJS Which Benefit Your Company In 2020



Hello, community! If you have your own company, you definitely work hard. In 2020 you exactly know that customers expect interactivity with whatever type of the product they are consuming. When you decide to create a mobile application or a website that will represent the idea of your business, the best option is to hire ReactJS development company.

Actually, frameworks and libraries come and go. However, there are some major frameworks that have left their mark. AJAX made jQuery big: with its help, it was possible to develop really dynamic websites for the first time, because in addition to practical HTTP functions, it offered an abstraction from the specific web browser and also introduced CSS queries. Ember and Backbone were added later and showed that software architecture can also be operated in the front-end. AngularJS took this architecture-driven approach to extremes and simultaneously introduced components (directives), services, dependency injection and the MVC pattern.

But why exactly ReactJS company? Let’s find out what features of this framework that may benefit your company’s reputation.


What is ReactJS?

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It was developed in March 2013. React is very popular on Facebook, much more than Angular on Google. Here you have significantly more freedom than with Angular, but React is not suitable for implementing an MVC architecture, since it only has one view, you have to solve the model and the controller yourself. In this case, however, this offers almost only advantages. A big advantage is that React uses a virtual DOM that only compares the differences of the previous HTML code and only loads the part that is different, this has a significantly positive effect on the loading times of the application. With React, the markup and the logic are handled in the same file, which means you can also output variables in a view component (JSX). React also offers a solution for mobile applications called React-Native.

React isn’t new. It can be used to develop user interfaces for the web apps. Facebook made the framework available as an open source solution back in 2013 and also uses the framework itself as the basis for a number of their websites. For example, Instagram is completely developed on the basis of React. It is also used on other major websites, such as Netflix, Airbnb or the Wall Street Journal.

The core of React are components and their composition for an application. Such a composition determines what has to be represented. Or from a different perspective, how to transform the state of an application into its representation. The core of React is detached from the web: ReactJS can work in different scenarios, including native applications.


What makes ReactJS special?

What makes it special is that it changes the way web applications have been developed for years – especially in the jQuery context. Since the DOM has existed (which has been manipulated directly in jQuery), web developers have followed the advice: “Be sparing with DOM manipulations, because the DOM is slow. Repaints and reflows ruin your user experience. Instead of a site that renders at a smooth 60 fps, your site will jump, jerk and hook. ”

Working with the DOM is tedious. If you change it, you make the page slow. It’s easy to introduce memory leaks when you lose track of DOM references. It is also complex because you have to manually register event handlers in the right places and remove them again. Of course, there are design patterns to deal with these problems, but even these design patterns do not fundamentally change the way you develop in the browser. Or, I will quote John Resig, the author of jQuery, “The DOM is a mess”.

However, ReactJS solves many of these problems.

React stands between the component and the DOM. React uses an internal representation of the DOM (Virtual DOM), calculates the delta (Virtual DOM Diffing) that would result in the DOM in the event of changes in the state, and can therefore only make those changes in the DOM that are necessary. Access is no longer slow; updates can now be quick.

React takes care of the DOM and events, the developer takes care of how a component should look in a given state.


What other advantages of ReactJS can benefit your company?

  • Reusable components: Once properly implemented, a component can be used again and again.
  • Methods and markup belong together: since JSX is defined in the component itself, there is no need to constantly switch between markup and JavaScript in the editor. This makes it easy for the developer to keep track (or get lost in a file that is way too large).
  • JavaScript: React uses the latest features of JavaScript and does not interfere with other languages ​​(TypeScript or Java).
  • React promotes purity: A “pure function” in functional programming always gives you the same output for a certain input. But what does this have to do with UI programming? Very simple: A React component always gives you the same output (rendered HTML) for a given status (input). In this way, React transfers the advantages of functional programming to UI programming.
  • Server rendering: You can prerender the initial state of a ReactJS app in the server. That makes the initial page load fast.
  • In addition to these advantages, there is another advantage that I find particularly pleasant: ReactJS replaces an imperative API with a declarative API. Declarative code works more predictably than imperative code. As a result, a developer can have more confidence in their own code because the code will behave more predictably.

What are the ReactJS development company’s challenges?

While there are a number of advantages of ReactJS, the system also presents challenges, including:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Work Required: While someone has fear that search engines will not index dynamic websites, Google assures that its crawlers are very capable of indexing dynamic content.
  • Rapid development: As usual with technology, development is extremely fast, which means that as a developer at ReactJS you have to constantly build and think of new technological solutions.



To sum everything up, ReactJS is a front-end library for web applications. It is certainly one of the great frameworks for modern web applications. Unlike Angular (we will certainly be writing blog posts about Angular 2 here), React only covers the view part of a front-end framework. Therefore, it has a disadvantage compared to Angular, which it makes up for with a large ecosystem of accompanying libraries. It is used in more and more projects precisely because of its advantages. The strong focus on components makes it easier for front-end developers to optimize individual components without having to keep an eye on the entire application and its performance. It is also easier to work in large and / or distributed teams, as individual teams can concentrate on their components.

All of these amazing features can make your cooperation with ReactJS development company very productive and really good. Be sure of the employees that you hire and be ready to get an application or a website of your dreams.


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